
Assalamu’alaikum, wr, wb.

Good afternoon, everyone. Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Very thanks must we give to Allah SWT. Who always gived us healthy, age, and Islam as our religion. Shalawat and salam always to allow for our prophet, Muhammad SAW.

Ladies and gentleman, in this good opportunity, i would like to deliver my speech about Salam.

Salam is way for someone to egin a communication with other person. Some people usually say hello, hi, how are you? how do you do? for they salam. In Islam, salam can be spoken with Assalamu’alaikum, with the meaning is, savety for you. Salam usually be spoken when, someone meet other, come to assotiation, when wntering a room, or other reason.

Salam not only expression attachment. But, salam also can be mean to pray for someone who we give Assalamu’alaikum. Salam also reminder that we can not life with save without assistance from Allah SWT.

So, the conclussion is, salam is meaning to remaind us to Allah SWT. Salam also expression love between people to other person.

Thats all my speech. Thank you very much for your attantion. I am very awful sorry if there is some mistake in my speech.

Wassalamu’alaikum, wr, wb.


Ini adalah naskah pidato buatan saya pada pelajaran Conversation di Pesantren Media. Naskah ini dibuat dan dibacakan pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2015 dan juga 26 Oktober 2015. Semoga bermanfaat ^^

[Fathimah NJL, Kelas 1 SMA, Santriwati Angkatan ke-5 Jenjang SMA, Pesantren Media]

By Fathimah NJL

Santriwati Pesantren Media, angkatan ke-5 jenjang SMA. Sudah terdampar di dunia santri selama hampir 6 tahun. Moto : "Bahagia itu Kita yang Rasa" | Twitter: @FathimahNJL | Facebook: Fathimah Njl | Instagram: fathimahnjl

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